
The best guarantee of our sustainability is our 50-year history. We are committed to ethics, to the effort and commitment to do things better thanks to solid management practices, focused on generating value for our investors, clients and employees at all times.

We act on three pillars basic in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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100% of shopping centres with BREEAM certification BREEAM certification in our residential developments.

100% of the 1 retail portfolio certified in ISO 14001 and 45001.

Development of an ESG Master Plan from 2021 for the rental housing vehicle in partnership with Primonial Reim.

Energy Efficiency Plan

Waste Management Plan, Circular Economy principles.

100% of the energy consumed by Lar España is guaranteed to be of renewable origin

Grupo Lar aims to be a 100% sustainable company and shares the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Use of certified sustainable materials from local and recycled suppliers.

Reuse of natural resources such as rainwater and the sun.

Design of larger green areas that reduce CO2 emissions.

4th year with EPRA Gold Award Certification for Lar España for the quality of its ESG reports.

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Equality and Diversity Policy in development within the new Equality Plan 2024-2028

Occupational Health and Safety Policy.

Training and activities aimed at promoting employee health and well-being.

Career plan to enhance the professional development of our employees

Collaborations with charitable organizations and volunteer activities with our employees.

Altamira Lar Foundation: more than 200 projects funded in collaboration with more than 100 associations, with more than 3,7 million euros in aid.

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Company Code of Ethics signed by 100% of employees.

Internal control structure and training for our employees to ensure the prevention of criminal conduct and breaches of legislation in all company activities.

Criminal Compliance Policy.

Internal Communication Channel.

Policy on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.

Adhered, as a member, to the United Nations Global Compact.

Policies that regulate all our work processes focused on people and their well-being:

  • Working conditions policy.
  • Recruitment and selection policy.
  • Training policy.
  • Competence assessment policy.
  • Annual objectives policy.
  • Non-salary benefits policy and flexible compensation.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy.
  • Teleworking policy.
  • Health Insurance Policy

Committed to the Environment

Contributing to Society

Corporate governance

  •  Working conditions policy.
  • Recruitment and selection policy.
  • Training policy.
  • Competence assessment policy.
  • Annual objectives policy.
  • Non-salary benefits policy and flexible compensation.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy.
  • Teleworking policy.
  • Health Insurance Policy

Get to know the foundation

The idea of ​​promoting social action within the company began to take shape over 20 years ago. It was about responding to a motivation, and not a trend, to give back to society something of what it had given us, and to provide the team of people at Grupo Lar with an instrument to channel these concerns.